Monday, November 27, 2006

Get, Set, Go Dumb.

I wasn't on Karisma, to say 'Jet set go', But i was on a bike that equally stands up to it, 180 cc Pulsar DTSi. I was accelarating at 80kmph overtaking a city bus. And i was thinking ' Why does maths , which i believe to be the only area to give singular definite solution, also have anomalies like (-)*(-) =(+)*(+)= +. (I believe this particular equation does a lot of difference not only in maths but also in philosophy of life and perceptions of people, which i would discuss in another article).I was trying to figure out more about that anomaly.Thats when my dumb day started.

'Screeeeeeeeeeeeeech', i pulled the brakes hard, there was a guy right in the middle of the road, pushing his bikeaccross the road. Its funny that , everything happened in a split second. I felt as if i was in Dhoom2, but i couldnt make it, i mean i couldnt make my bike stand on a single tyre. Instead, the obvious happened.I couldnt control the bike and turned the handle and laws of physics acted quickly and threw me flat on to the ground, banging my head with helmet onto the ground and helmet flew off my head. The first thing i looked for was , the bus i overtook could have been right behind me. That would have been the best part of the adventure, i would be like tom cruise in MI withthe helicopter blade stopping right infront of his eye.

Fortunately , that didnt happen. My left leg had scratches at regular intervals, one on hip, one on knee and the poor dead thumbnail died as it broke. The guy who catalysed all this was made the scape goat for the situation.I wondered the other scenario, i mean , if i hadnt braked or didnt turn myself down to ground, i would have banged into him and damaged some of his valuable organs, then , i would be the culprit, he would be the victim. Funny.

Now, I didnt tell you that i was actually going for an exam.So, i got myself back on to my feet and moved on with my bike. It didnt get a single scratch.Now for the dumber part, the exam was supposed to start at 10 am, which meant we were supposed to get the question paper at 9:55 am. I was there in the exam hall at 9:30 am and the question paper along with the answer sheet was already there at my seat. The poor college that was conducting the exam, couldnt afford a seal to it. How funny, the college is a premier management institute.within five minutes , i was finished with the details in the answer sheet and my idle mind started to turn into devil's workshop, and i thought, i will just take a peep into the paper and find out which section is what. I tried to do that by folding each page at the top right corner. I could just make out what each section was and i was already into guilt. I stopped it and was looking around, i had a girl beside me on the same bench, the right kind of girl you would like to have during an exam, shewould just not distract you anyway. Now , i started to see the real world.
She spread her question paper wide open and started reading the passage. 'God, she might get debarred for that' I thought.
The guy behind me was happily flipping through every page.One more guy in the room was nicely working out the quant section.
I know you would be asking -'where is the invizilator'. She was there, she wass right there in the real world, she was coming to each one and taking their signatures. Now for the dumbest part.

I was tempted to cheat when the world around me was so skewed. i thought i will do it intelligently. I started to read the passage from my bench mates paper and thought to myself,'i could never be proved wrong as i didnt open mine'.The invigilator came to our desk, the girl beside me didnt give a damn, she was concentrating. The invigilator took the sign and moved, it was the same even with the guy who was doing calculations on the paper.I felt that i was dumb enough to use my criminal brain and stopped looking into her paper, neither did i look into my own.Meanwhile there was this guy infront of me, who came late and is very tensed. he couldnt fill up his details fast. he was getting stuck with everything. He was scratching his head and trying to figure out something. Out of curiosity, i peeped into his paper, he then figured out and marked SEX-M.Now, thats what pressure does to someone. Now, the joke of the day, At 9:55, a bell rang, a guy from room,(i was happy to figure out there are worst dumbos than me)asked the invigilator ' Can we start the exam?' and she said 'no, you should start at the next ring thats at 10'. God i should tell you how i laughed, i laughed like hell. though i didnt laugh loud.This is the way,the world goes. You need to learn it every day.

I wouldnt say, i came out clean from it, without cheating. I was tempted. I did it to an extent and couldnt carry it through because for me, Guilt is proportinal to cube of the degree of a mistake. I stopped it at the beginning. But the thing to learn, In the fast life, rules are needed to protect the objectivity of something, Otherwise, every one defines there own boundaries of good and bad, like i defined mine :)

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